Netiquette Mailing List
Note: This list is currently inactive. An archive of 1994-1999 will be posted to this page.
This list is devoted to discussions of network etiquette, the informal
set of rules, civilities, and social graces that have evolved in cyberspace,
the do's and don'ts of online behavior. What are the rules? How have they
evolved? How can responsible net.citizens avoid breaches of etiquette?
How should we respond to the breaches of others? Is flaming an art and
if so, how can it be mastered? What's being said about Netiquette on the
net and in the media?
Like all Albion Mailing Lists, Netiquette: The Mailing List is
free resource open to the networking public. Albion launched it in conjunction
with the publication of Netiquette
by Virginia Shea. It's not very active but every once in a while an
interesting flame war breaks out ;-)
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