Netiquette Banner Netiquette, by Virginia Shea, page 13


Before anyone else, I would like to thank Catherine Hubbard for recognizing that a book on Netiquette needed to be written. Next, I thank my editor and publisher, Seth Ross. Seth asked me to write Netiquette, kept after me when I wasn't sure I could do it, discussed Netiquette issues with me, and provided me with tons of source material. He also edited and designed the book and wrote the sections "The Many Domains of Cyberspace" and "The Varieties of Flaming Experience." Seth may well be the first of a new professional breed -- the Renaissance publisher.

Many thanks go to my former colleagues at the Electric Power Research Institute, particularly Marie Bergstrom, Renée Morell, and my other friends in the publications department. Our great years working together provided the foundation for the "Business Netiquette" section of this book. And their support and encouragement when I decided to write Netiquette were a tremendous inspiration.

I would also like to thank Rich Amlin and the students in his Internet class at Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, particularly Joseph Fieger, Libby Handelsmann, Randy Ksar, Ryan Kubica, Ethan Kuniyoshi, and Michael Nguyen. These students, who know their way around the Internet far better than I do, approach electronic communication with a combination of enjoyment and matter-of-factness that I

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